Accessible Business Etiquette for the Modern World


The way to succeed in business is to prove you belong there — and that’s where CLM Business Etiquette Consulting comes in.

CLM Consulting empowers its clients to confidently navigate the often tricky world of business interactions. Its seminars and hands-on workshops leave clients feeling confident in their ability to build relationships, communicate effectively and manage their professional image in the modern world.

Christie Leigh is certified by the Protocol School of Washington — the only accredited international business protocol program in the U.S. But that doesn’t mean she’s bringing back doilies. Her seminars are accessible. Approachable. Engaging. She’ll answer all the tricky questions: How long is too long to wait to respond to an email? How do I excuse myself from a lingering conversation? Which fork do I use? And, she’ll use real-world scenarios to illustrate the finer points of what not to do.

Attendees walk away armed with the soft skills, business etiquette and knowledge needed to succeed in a modern business world.
